The world press is reporting different reactions to the award decision. Obama himself accepted the award but didn't think he deserve to be in the same league as many prevous Nobel laureates. Even in Norway are the reactions divided. However, Oslo is waiting for the president in December and peparing for a a warm and generous welcome. According to Director Jan Egeland at NUPI the world should recognize that Obama already has made a change by focusing diplomacy, supporting UN and pointing out the road to nuclear disarmament.
Nobel peace prize to Obama
splitted opinions about the award
Was the decision genius or absurd? The Norwegian Nobel Committee has either managed to support and strengthen the new and more flexible American diplomacy or simply fallen for Obama's charm. "So sooon ?" asked a very surprised previous laureate Lech Waleza. The master of words has yet much to prove. Will he manage to put words into action and lead the world towards peace ? Iraque, Afghanistan, Israel, Palestine, Latin America and North Korea are some of the countries which all have the potential for giving Obama head ache and sleepless nights.

Updated: 10. October 2009